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Second Discourses JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU Edited and with an Introduction by Susan Dunn with essays. The Second Discourse: Discourse on the Origin and Foundations.
Rousseau was the shadow of the Enlightenment. During a time in which natural philosophy morphed into physics, Diderot composed his Encyclopedie and Europe reinvented philosophy on the iconoclastic introspection of Descartes, Rousseau was that little fucker in the corner giving the finger to everyone. He thought it was all just some nonsense. But not in a sinister way. Rousseau simply rejected the assumption that civilization was a boon to humankind.
Civilization is a shackling chain to the free m Rousseau was the shadow of the Enlightenment. During a time in which natural philosophy morphed into physics, Diderot composed his Encyclopedie and Europe reinvented philosophy on the iconoclastic introspection of Descartes, Rousseau was that little fucker in the corner giving the finger to everyone. He thought it was all just some nonsense. But not in a sinister way. Rousseau simply rejected the assumption that civilization was a boon to humankind.
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